Moving Monona Forward!
I appreciate your grassroots support.
Whether it’s displaying a yard sign, sending an endorsement or monetary contribution, your support will help me get the word out and reach more voters.
About Patrick
Father of Joey and Sal. Husband to Nichole. I’m an award winning chef, Small Business owner/innovator, service industry worker, Scout Leader, Community activist and organizer. I have a long history of taking on community projects and getting results. Former County Board Supervisor, former Chair of the Madison Community Block Grant Commission and Housing Committee, Co-organizer and Vice President of the Madison Area Chefs Network, and former Homeowners Association President on the South side of Madison.
Patrick’s Goals
Governmental Transparency. Emphasis on ethics. Inclusivity. Responsible and valuable economic development. I’m not a caretaker, I’m an innovator with fresh ideas and the skills to realize them. I’m ready to use my experience and expertise to go to work for you.
“I’m excited about the energy and experience Patrick is bringing to Monona. He is an impressive candidate. ”
—Tim Metcalfe.
I’ve known Patrick for years and worked with him closely ten years ago during the Act 10 protests at the Capitol. He’s an innovator and an experienced leader. His record of service to the community, particularly during times of crisis, is impressive. Monona residents would do well to have Patrick DePula as their representative.
— Tag Evers, Madison Alder